Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 14, 2018, At Sea Stockholm to Copenhagen

Saturday, July 14, 2018- At Sea, Stockholm to Copenhagen

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For the first time during this cruise, there are whitecaps on the water, but the seas remain light and the sky is partly cloudy.  There are occasional freighters and wind turbines visible as we cruise 20 miles off the southern shore of Sweden.  We started to pack up our clothes and gear as we got dressed and ready for breakfast.  We attended the 9AM general trivia, playing with John, Dave and Sarah. We only managed to score 12/20.  The winners scored 15/20.  We then attended a presentation in the Princess theatre featuring an interview of some of the Princess dancers, singers, and stage crew. It was interesting to see them demonstrate some of the stage “magic” including disappearing floor lifts and tracks, and the LED backdrop and wings.  There are also “flies” that drop down from above the stage, which extends 4 stories above the stage floor.  We had previously toured the Green Room on the Coral Princess, so we skipped that part of the tour to rush back to the James Bond Trivia.  

We arrived late to the James Bond trivia, so we joined a pair of women who are the mother and sister of one of the Cruise Director’s staff with the 5th question.  We ended up scoring 20/25.  There was a single young man who managed to score 24/25, winning himself a coaster for his troubles. They had some tough questions like which movie featured London’s Millenium dome and what was Alec Trevelia’s 00 number.  

We had lunch in the buffet, which seemed extra crowded for some reason.  We then attended the last general knowledge trivia of the cruise at 3:15PM, playing with an Angie and Bernie from Toronto, and Dave from Virginia.  We only scored 14/20, but managed a win with that score.  We opted for string bags to pack our shoes in. 

Ben got in one last workout in at the Fitness Center and we finished packing up everything aside from what we would be wearing tonight and tomorrow, and packing with us in our backpacks onto the plane.  Ben had to complete our Air France check in at the Internet Cafe because our iOS Air France Aps had a glitch that wouldn’t let us complete our check in.  

We had our last dinner in the dining room, opting for a Chicken and Leek pot pie (A Curtis Stone Specialty item) that was quite tasty, and a decent New York Strip Steak.  We had to leave before dessert to catch the last music trivia, which was on Motown.  This time, they scored not only the title and artist, but also the year of release for each song.  We did well on the titles and songs, but blew it on the years of release, only getting one exactly right.  We scored 39.  The winning team scored 40-1/2 out of 60 possible.

We rushed up to our room to weigh and then put out our suitcases.  Then we went back to the dining room and had dessert.  They had baked Alaska, including a parade, but the parade just isn’t as much excitement with LED tea lights instead of sparklers on the Baked Alaska as they parade it through the dining room. 

We then watched the second show put on by the MacDonald Brothers, which featured more pop music selections including numbers by Simon and Garfunkel, Charlie Daniels Band and the Proclaimers.  It was another high energy and entertaining show.  

Our last stop was to pick up some sandwiches for our flight tomorrow in the International Cafe.  We finished up one bottle of champagne and will leave the other as a gift for our room steward.   We watched the Alicia Vikander Tomb Raider movie in our room before calling it a night.  Silly, and far fetched, but that’s what Hollywood is churning out these days.  

We have to be up at the crack of dawn to disembark the ship by 6:15AM to make our 9AM flight from Copenhagen to Paris, and then from Paris back home to Seattle.  Better set an alarm clock.

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