Tuesday, March 12, 2019- At Sea En Route to Jamaica
Today we decided to forgo the morning trivia to attend a shopping seminar, so we started off the day going up to the pool. Unfortunately, contrary to the rules of polite behavior, all of the deck chairs around the pool were “claimed” with books and towels, without accompanying bodies. We had breakfast, and then went for a swim. At first, there weren’t too many people using the pool because they thought it was too cold. Ben was able to get in 440 yds in before they started playing the movie “The Greatest Showman” on the big screen. Then the pool suddenly filled up with kids and adults who wanted to watch the movie while hanging on the edge of the pool, making it impossible to swim laps. Janet discovered after swimming that her right ear was draining continuously for a very long time after she got out, and she has noticed and complained about her right ear not hearing as well. So it appears that she ruptured her right ear drum while we were SCUBA diving. That would explain the bloody discharge from her nose and her complaints that salt water was getting into her mouth. She thought her regulator might have been leaking, but it was probably salt water getting into her ear and then draining down her eustation tube into her nasopharynx. It had started to get hot outside by then, so we went to the fitness center and worked off some of our guilt.
The shopping seminar was well attended. Apparently a lot of other people had heard about the free gifts, and were strategically positioned to try to catch gifts. They threw a bunch of Effy pendants that are given out free with a coupon in our general direction, but they landed in a clump right in a gentleman’s lap two seats over from us. They threw a T-Shirt our direction, but the man’s wife, who was seated the row ahead of him intercepted it. They drew raffle tickets for other prizes but we didn’t end up with anything besides the Effy Tote bag, but the tote bags were much nicer than the Princess tote bags that they give out to everyone. That was a nicer take home item than a trivia gift (coaster, string bag, notebook etc), but sitting through a hour of high pressure sales was pretty annoying. We probably won’t bother doing that again, but might try sneaking in during the last 5 minutes to snag the free tote bag on future cruises.
Our old habits got the better of us as we fell back into the afternoon trivia. We teamed up with some prior partners, but didn’t manage a win. We did better during the evening’s 70’s music trivia where we teamed up with one of the couples from the afternoon trivia, and a pair of young women who were sitting alone. We won that trivia. We let the women have the champagne and got little blue notebooks for the rest of our team. We ended up giving our little blue notebooks away since we have a bunch, and don’t really use them. We wound up the evening with a Movie Poster Trivia, teaming up with the astronaut, his beautiful wife and their adopted Chinese daughter, who had managed to get herself a pretty good sun burn on Princess Cay. We haven’t done very well on movie posters on this cruise, ending up with just an average score.
We had cut out of dinner early to make it to the 7PM Trivia. We had requested that the Chocolate Journey dessert be sent up to our room. We were told it would be about 8:30PM before they would be delivered. We got back to our room at 9PM, but there was no dessert, so we headed back to the dining room and had our dessert. It was their hazelnut bar, which is quite fancy and good. Then we returned back to our room, and found that they had indeed delivered two more desserts. That worked out to our benefit. We chose to forego the Princess Theater production of Bravo since we had just seen that last week. We were hoping to watch Bohemian Rhapsody on the TV, but they took it down off the list of on demand movies. It is scheduled to be played on the Movies under the Stars tomorrow, so hopefully, it will come back to the On Demand menu after that. We prefer to watch movies in our cabin with subtitles.
Tomorrow we arrive at Falmouth, Jamaica, where we are booked on a horseback ride. We snagged some apples from the buffet this morning that we hope to be able to bribe the horses into being nice to us with.
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