Day 53: 20231115 Wednesday November 15, 2023- At Sea
The weather has certainly changed a lot since when we were working our way around the top of Australia. The temperatures are now in the upper 50’s to low 60’s and there has been rain and drizzle on and off. We had a hard time getting out of bed with the clocks moving forward again, but did manage to make it to the morning trivia. We got beat by two teams who tied with one more point than us so we missed out on another bag of goodies. Janet attended an enrichment lecture for a behind the scenes discussion of how they clean and sanitize the ship. They also did a towel creature demonstration and said if you want towel animals just ask your steward. We're just overjoyed our new steward is doing a much better job than who we started out this cruise with. Ben watched a lecture on Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan’s journeys on the on demand video. Then we both hit the bed to catch up on the sleep we missed from the time change.
Progressive Trivia session #12 was in the afternoon, and although we got beat by another team by 2 points, that team was 11th in the progressive rankings, so our lead is safe.
After dinner we did a funny faces trivia where there were several caricatures, several in heavy costume/make up, and even a category of South Park depictions of celebrities. It’s a good thing our son Price has sat us through some South Park seasons. But we got beat by 3 points on that. It’s been a bit of a prize drought for us, although Janet is still managing an occasional win in the Wake Show drawings.
We finished the night watching Peter Byrne’s “Celtic Beat” show featuring Irish music from Oh Danny Boy to U2 backed by the Coral Princess band and sprinkled with humor. It makes for an entertaining show. There were 3 fellas who turned up at St. Peter’s gates, but St. Peter said there was only room for one to get in, so whoever had the most compelling story would get in. The first fella said “I got home from work and found my wife naked in the bed in the middle of the day, so I ran around the apartment and found the bloke hanging off my 8th story balcony. I was so mad that I stomped on his hands, but he still hung on, so I ran back into the apartment and dragged the refrigerator out and dropped it over the balcony and watched him and the refrigerator plunge to the ground. When I turned around, my wife was enraged and she slapped me so hard I went over the railing and got killed when I hit the refrigerator and sidewalk below. That was a pretty bad way to die. Well the second fella then explained “You see, I was fixing a shutter on my 14th floor apartment when I slipped and fell off the balcony. I plummeted down two floors but managed to grab a railing to stop my fall. Then this mad man started stomping on my hands, but I was able to maintain a grip with one hand. But then he dropped a refrigerator on me and bam, down I went and died when I hit the sidewalk and got crushed by the refrigerator. Now that was a really bad way to die. And then the third fella explained “Well you see, I was having an affair with this fella’s wife, and when he came into the apartment, I ran and hid in the refrigerator…”
Tomorrow we arrive in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia. The weather forecast is for partly cloudy skies with temperatures starting in the upper 50’s reaching a high of 77˚F, so it should be a nice enough day. But we have to push our clocks ahead another half hour tonight.