Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018- Cruise Day 42; At Sea

Tuesday, March 6, 2018- Cruise Day 42; At Sea

The weather has taken a definite turn for the better, with warmer temperatures and sunny mornings to greet us in the morning.  After breakfast, we attended the morning trivia with our usual team.  We are calling ourselves Santa’s Helpers.  We scored a solid win with 24/25 points.  We won Princess note pads and wrist bracelet craft kits.

We hit the fitness center for guilt reduction and then had a light lunch at the poolside grill after showering.  

We attended afternoon trivia with our team and scored a second win for the day with 15/20.  We won silly tiny tennis shoe key chains. 

We had an early dinner and saw the early show with Fabio Zini, a guitarist who was a virtuoso on the classical guitar and doing jazzy riffs on popular tunes.  Then we watched the Academy Award winning movie “The Shape of Water” on TV, and can see why it got the Academy Award.  It was a combination of science fiction, fantasy, romance and government conspiracy movie themes with a mean bad guy, and a happy ending.  Beware though that there are some scenes for mature audiences only.

We set our clocks ahead yet another hour tonight.  Tomorrow is another sea day and formal night.

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